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Sharpening sustainably. Because the future demands responsibility.
Developing products for tomorrow.
Truly living customer proximity.
Strengthening long-term relationships.
Shaping fair cooperation.
Reliable appreciation of performance.
Thinking ecologically as well as economically.
Recognizing and opening up perspectives.
VOLLMER's sustainability initiative has the slogan "Sharpening sustainability. Because the future demands responsibility." In doing so, we are taking an offensive approach to sustainability-oriented development, with measures that really fit our company and are authentic. Sustainability must not be exhausted in spreading messages, but should always be linked to actions. For VOLLMER, this means that every small decision or measure can make a big difference.
One thing is clear: It is about more than just environmental protection. In addition to ecological aspects, it also includes economic and social aspects. Innovations, people and the company itself - these are the gears that mesh. Our innovative strength coupled with VOLLMER's more than 100-year tradition are the roots of a sustainability that we work on with conviction day after day.
It is generally not enough to define the sustainability of a machine in terms of its power consumption in watts. Products and services are sustainable if they have long life cycles and are easy to repair and recycle. The experience gained from more than 111 years of history helps us to find the optimum interplay between service life, energy efficiency, automation, use of resources, digitization and also maintenance when developing machines.
VOLLMER flanks sustainable solutions with genuine services for maintenance, servicing, training, upgrades or digitalization. They enable a long service life, optimal operation and that defective machines are quickly back in operation - or do not fail in the first place. We realize customer proximity via subsidiaries in 15 countries worldwide and via digital solutions for holistic and time/place-independent machine control.
The aim is to strengthen personal relationships in the long term and to make cooperation fair. In this way, VOLLMER stands by its customers as a partner when it comes to joint product developments, for example.
When it comes to suppliers, VOLLMER relies on long-term cooperation and regional procurement in accordance with the Reach Regulation , which provides for voluntary registration, tracking and restriction when chemicals are used.
Loyalty is the lasting bond that is forged between the company and its workforce. VOLLMER has an above-average rate of apprenticeships and job placements. We offer flexible working hours, continuous training, in-house health days, ergonomic workplaces and leisure activities. Employees often stay with us for the rest of their working lives. Reliably valuing performance means that families often remain loyal to VOLLMER for generations and grandchildren learn from their grandparents.
Economy is always considered ecologically at VOLLMER. This includes energy-efficient production as well as the entire energy consumption for the buildings or even logistics. For example, VOLLMER ensures that packaging materials such as pallets or cartons come from sustainable production.
We acknowledge our responsibility as an active part of society, the region and our city, which is expressed in many ways: The backbone for this is the Sieglinde Vollmer Foundation, which was established in 2013. As a foundation, the company structure is secured for the long term. In addition, the Sieglinde VOLLMER Foundation supports the education of young people and promotes projects related to the so-called MINT subjects, i.e. the topics of mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology.
Social and societal responsibility
For us at VOLLMER, entrepreneurial action has always meant sustainable action. Committed not to short-term profit maximization, but to the future of the company and its employees. We acknowledge our responsibility as an active part of society, the region and our city:
With donations and sponsoring, VOLLMER supports projects in the areas of community, education, science, art, culture, sports and especially young talent. Our social commitment focuses on our employees, young people, schools and universities as well as non-profit associations.

Certification // Quality management
All VOLLMER products and services stand for quality. However, the sustainability of our machines should not only be determined by their power consumption in watts. For us, it is the interaction of service life, energy efficiency, automation, use of resources and digitalization. For the customer, sustainability is thus also noticeable in terms of TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). Standardized processes are a central basis for efficiency and effectiveness.
An integral part of our corporate DNA and our 111-year history is also the requirement for continuous improvement and optimization of our processes. To underline this claim, the VOLLMER quality management is certified according to ISO 9001. We regularly monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the specifications through internal and external audits.