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Corporate Social Responsibility Reliability, stability and quality
At VOLLMER, we strive for reliability, stability and quality in our products, in our processes and in our behaviour every day. The behaviour of all of us is therefore the basis for our credibility and for the trust that our customers, business partners, employees and the public place in us. This therefore has a significant influence on the good reputation and successful future of our company. We comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate. We comply with the agreements we have made and these form the basis for long-term and sustainable business relationships. Customers, business partners, employees and the public can rely on us.
Code of Conduct- Compliance
Reliability requires a continuous and honest approach and is the basis for stable and high-quality products and processes. VOLLMER has therefore introduced a globally valid Code of Conduct that serves as a guiding principle for ethically impeccable action in accordance with our values and identity.
The Code of Conduct forms the basis for dealing with all our company’s stakeholders and describes the objectives and rules that reflect our commitment to act in a responsible, ethically irreproachable and lawful manner.Our Code of Conduct is applicable worldwide in all subsidiaries and for third parties. Additional internal guidelines substantiate the Code of Conduct.
Whistleblower System
The whistleblower system allows to disclose information about situations, which imply a violation of laws or internal rules. Reported cases and infringements that have already been determined are passed on to the VOLLMER Compliance Board. Employees, external parties such as suppliers or service providers who report a suspicious case or infringement can expect not to be disadvantaged in any way.
There are two official ways in which compliance incidents can be reported and questions can be asked on compliance topics:
Internal whistleblower system: Information is sent to the Group Legal department using the Compliance e-mail address: compliance[at]vollmer-group.com
Where reports which are provided in good faith are sent to this e-mail address, VOLLMER promises confidential treatment of the whistleblower
External whistleblower system: In addition, the external whistleblower system can be used which technically ensures anonymity: VOLLMER Group hintbox

Your Contact
VOLLMER WERKE Maschinenfabrik GmbH88400 Biberach/Riß